May 26, 2007
A cure for insomnia
I have been sleeping 3-4 hours every night since 1 month ago. No, I am not busy. No, I am not chasing anime/drama/comic. No, no new porn video. Assignment? Yes a bit, but not sufficient enough to cause insomnia. I submitted my last piece of assignment last week, why I still can't sleep?

I bought sleeping pills from pharmacy store. Pharmacist told me that the pills will put me into sleep for the first 4 hours. That's a good news for me, because 1 week before I purchase the pill, I merely slept for 2 hours every night. I could not concentrate on everything. I lost motivation on sports. Assignment was not up to expectation. Lost appetite, but crave for sweet and unhealthy snacks in the morning. My life = miserable.

no photoshop, trust me.
No, my gugu jiao still work wonderfully. Thanks for your concern.

I approached another friend of mine at MSN, "kuku no.2" (have to remain anonymous), as he had previous experience on sleeping pills also. So, I thought I can get something from him. Manatau, he say sleeping pill sucks cause it won't work. But now he is okay liao. "Apalah.." I said. But no worries,this friend will even chop off his gugu because he idolize me. hH direct me to his younger brother, who is also a friend of mine. Nama dia "Robbie No.1 fans".

I approach him on MSN to ask for miracle. He send me a program called Pzizz™.

This program basically send you to sleep. The program randomly generate sound clips and voices into mp3, and you listen to it when you sleep. In the mp3, a "magnetic" voice toned talk to you, like he is hypnotizing or some sort, along with some background sound like light trance and nature sound : beach, forest, river, birds. Combine all together, somehow feel like God is talking.. haha. Go download the 15 minute demo here. Pzizz Demo Page

After listen to the demo for whole night, I can honestly tell you that.. I almost memorise all the speeches. Hahaha. First time I listen to it, it put me to sleep for 4 hours. After that... hmm, I pretty much laugh laugh laugh only. HAhaHAhha. Download and give it a try, very fun leh. I might listen to other versions tonight when I go to sleep.

Tonight I am gonna listen to it again! Fun fun.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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