May 21, 2007
Korean Restaurant
Can anyone teach me how to sleep? I mean, really get into sleep! Sleeping pills are not working. My body-clock is operating at GMT now (awake in midnight, awake in morning also XD). Should I kill the annoying crows outside my room? Can Feng Shui aid in sleeping ar?

Went to a Korean Restaurant at City. That Korean Restaurant havea funny name called "WAH" - We Are Here. This is the first time I had Korean style steamboat, and I can tell you that I don't really fancy it.

The QUEEN was there too, I love her so much that I terpaksa post up her picture here even though I do not look handsome. Wutodoo... love is blind.

Khai and Irene. They are siblings. Sorry friends, Irene not available anymore.

Khai wanted to order the steamboat, he keep convincing me by saying that "Woooo, this steamboat got cheese wan! Got so many things, and most importantly there's NO vegetable. That's the real deal". Siapa tau, I got cheated again.. there's kim-chii inside the soup. Yuck, I hate kim-chii. But it's okay, since got cheese melted inside.. hehe.

The steamboat is nothing so special.. looks good only (but we still finished it). The soup tastes like those normal Korean instant noodle. I also can cook what! So sap sui. Next time any one of you want to drop by my house for steamboat ka? I prepare the exact same steamboat for you! Remember to bring some instant noodle seasoning lah. I provide extra noodle.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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