May 14, 2007
Lost Phone
Last Friday I lost my phone, for the second time in 2 and half years.

I had my Nokia 6230i for almost 2 years plus now, coming into 3rd year. When I lost it last Friday, I wasn't even thinking about "oh my god, I lost my phone! How am I going to survive these few days? I lost all contacts wei~ omg omg and yadda yadda yadda". I lost my phone in the taxi, but only realised it before going to bed. I have a habit sending sms to Queen before sleep.

Instead, when I woke up.. first thing in my mind was "HMMM... what phone should I buy. K810i or W880 better?". I was seriously thinking about going to buy a new phone at city on that day! Then only inform parents about my phone was lost.

Everything was in going as planned. I even told friend that I am getting a new phone today. So I inform Queen that I lost my phone, don't call me and such. MANATAU, she said "oh, I know where your phone is. I called up and a lady pickup the phone. Your phone is now at Lost and Found Department of the taxi headquarter."

............. great.

So, I skipped my evening class and head to city's information booth to locate the actual address of taxi headquarter.

I found the headquarter, but I wasn't expecting some run down place like a metal trash site. I thought it looks more like a clean yard, with proper buildings with smiling staffs. You know, like those advertisements "We're here to make your day" those kind of shits.

I tell you ar, even the entrance also hard to find. The headquarter entrance is like a secret path. It doesn't show any road signs or boards or labels or any sorts. NOTHING! Nyiamaa... waste so much time running around like sohai. (I was rushing because they closed at 5pm, and I reached that suburb in 4.40pm) What to do, run loh.. anggap training.

See the entrance? No signs! Fortunately, there are kind people to show me the way. Have to ask 2 ang mohs just to figure out where is the headquarter. Waste my time only, very dulan liao. And you know what? They even return the phone to me with battery fully charged, LAGI DULAN.

Now, haih, still using Nokia 6230i. Anyone want to sponsor me a new phone kah?

EDIT: thanks YSLo for reminding me about my phone model.. it was so obsolete that I even forgot about the model number. I wrote "6250i" instead of "6230i".. and I am pretty sure I wasn't intoxicated while I write this post. This shows how old my phone is.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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