May 30, 2007
Father's Day advertisement
I have overcome my sleeping deprivation. Now I sleep at 11pm, wake up at 6am. Which is DAMN good.
  • Progressing in study
  • Sticking to work out plan
  • Eat lots of greens, keropok minimised.
  • 1 episode of anime after 2-3 hours study, as break time.

Ahhh, life is so wonderful. (skipping final weeks of uni class is even more wonderful)


Father's day is celebrated in 3rd Sunday of June every year. Look at calender, it is coming in shortly, have you guys prepare any gifts or surprises to your dad? I bet you don't, who the hell will prepare so early anyway. Chee sin one. Even if it's Father's day, I would only send a short message to Dad. He have everything already, still want me to buy what? :D You leh?

Well, the reason I would ask that question above is because I found a nice picture. It's so nice that I want to share with you guys. I will probably send this picture to my dad during Father's day.

Nice ya? After looking at above picture. Will the question "Am I accident?" pop up in your mind? :D

P/S: Durex is a trademark name for quality condoms. I remember shouting "Durex Durex Durex" when I was young because they are the official sponsor for Astro MTV few years back then. Not knowing what is condom at that time *shy*. I guess it was almost 8-9 years ago.




May 28, 2007
Edamame Restaurant
My Queen spend the whole Saturday and Sunday watching 花样少年少女 Taiwan series on my computer. She finished the whole series only in less than 36 hours (including sleep). She continue to look for their videos and interviews in Youtube some more.. geng.

This entry is another restaurant review. This is a Japanese restaurant called Edamame. It is situated at Hawken Drive shop lots, close to University of Queensland, Australia.

This restaurant is situated only beside the fish and chips restaurant - A salt and battery. A restaurant which I had reviewed earlier. Who is my food partner? My Queen la of course.

Show show picture la.. nothing to write about.

Only ah pak and ah poh in the restaurant. Not many students here, probably because of the price. I don't know. I choose to eat here because Queen haven't try the food here yet. Oklah I post picture only lah.

Unagi Rice - $14.90

Mixed skewers (串烧) - $16.90

Ah bing (阿彬) - $9.90

My ratings - 6/10 only. They took almost 50 minutes to serve us the dinner. Dishes are slightly cold, maybe too many people on weekend. Ok, back to study. Exam coming up in 3 weeks!




May 26, 2007
A cure for insomnia
I have been sleeping 3-4 hours every night since 1 month ago. No, I am not busy. No, I am not chasing anime/drama/comic. No, no new porn video. Assignment? Yes a bit, but not sufficient enough to cause insomnia. I submitted my last piece of assignment last week, why I still can't sleep?

I bought sleeping pills from pharmacy store. Pharmacist told me that the pills will put me into sleep for the first 4 hours. That's a good news for me, because 1 week before I purchase the pill, I merely slept for 2 hours every night. I could not concentrate on everything. I lost motivation on sports. Assignment was not up to expectation. Lost appetite, but crave for sweet and unhealthy snacks in the morning. My life = miserable.

no photoshop, trust me.
No, my gugu jiao still work wonderfully. Thanks for your concern.

I approached another friend of mine at MSN, "kuku no.2" (have to remain anonymous), as he had previous experience on sleeping pills also. So, I thought I can get something from him. Manatau, he say sleeping pill sucks cause it won't work. But now he is okay liao. "Apalah.." I said. But no worries,this friend will even chop off his gugu because he idolize me. hH direct me to his younger brother, who is also a friend of mine. Nama dia "Robbie No.1 fans".

I approach him on MSN to ask for miracle. He send me a program called Pzizz™.

This program basically send you to sleep. The program randomly generate sound clips and voices into mp3, and you listen to it when you sleep. In the mp3, a "magnetic" voice toned talk to you, like he is hypnotizing or some sort, along with some background sound like light trance and nature sound : beach, forest, river, birds. Combine all together, somehow feel like God is talking.. haha. Go download the 15 minute demo here. Pzizz Demo Page

After listen to the demo for whole night, I can honestly tell you that.. I almost memorise all the speeches. Hahaha. First time I listen to it, it put me to sleep for 4 hours. After that... hmm, I pretty much laugh laugh laugh only. HAhaHAhha. Download and give it a try, very fun leh. I might listen to other versions tonight when I go to sleep.

Tonight I am gonna listen to it again! Fun fun.




May 25, 2007
ATM machine
I received a forwarded mail from one of my old classmate. The content is about something we should know. But I am in doubt whether this is a true or a joke. Read on.

If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin number in reverse. For example, if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321. The ATM recognized that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you places in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to the robber. The police officers will be dispatched immediately to help you. This information was recently broadcasted on TV and it states that it is seldom used because people don't know it exists. Please pass this along to everyone possible"

Can anyone of you guys validate the above forward mail? Any past experience or notices from bank department? The forwarded mail did not mention which country that information was broadcasted. Oh well.

And one more thing, if my password is 2222, that means I cannot alarm the police officers loh?




May 23, 2007
Hello, Cupcake.
Today, Ah Bing sifu is going to teach you how to bake cupcake.

You see, everyone can bake. All you need is motivation and action. Of course, you need an baking oven as well. Ingredients are easy to acquired as well. YSLo, this time you don't have to urge me to fly all the way to UK to cook for you, you can do this yourself.

Did I just say the ingredients are easy to acquire? No I am not bruffing you. It's true. The ingredients you need to prepare are as below:

A mixing bowl, butter, spatula, egg, milk baking paper, cupcake tray, and most importantly - a pre-mixed cupcake flour. See? I did not bruff you right? It's really easy. Technology these days ahh... simply amazing! I only need to mix mix mix, and I am able to bake better than most of the kedai kopi around Malaysia (and Australia also, next time teach you how to make sandwich). Eh, why I talk like I already finished baking ar? Continue shall we?

The steps taken are very easy... not even electric mixer is needed. Use the spatula to mix everything, including: butter, egg, milk, pre-mixed cupcake flour, and you are done. Mix it with your almighty strength until the all the ingredients blend together. You will know when to stop - because it will look like your diarrhea shit.

I tell you, that diarrhea shit taste good leh - sweet sweet one.

This is actually my first attempt on baking cupcakes. First time fold baking paper.. haha I fold it the baking paper like how I used to fold diaper for my little sister when she was young. (hey, I change my sister's diaper wan leh, don't play play, experienced professional talking here!). After folding the paper, pour in the diarrhea shit, same function as diaper.

Put in the baking tray into a 180 degree oven for 20 minutes, no fan-forced. After 20 minutes, you will have cupcakes like this.

Jeng jeng jeng jeng... how's that? See la, I told you guys I know how to bake. Laugh me? Laugh la laugh laa.. now I can shut your mouth already MWEehhehe *grin*. Next time I show you the real way to bake a cake.. without cheating (cheating as in buying pre-mixed ingredients). After that, I teach you guys how to make your own noodles too. Lastly, I teach you how to make yourself diarrhea.. cool?




May 22, 2007
Breakfast Noodle
Today is a tiring day. A test is coming up tomorrow, no time to blog.

I am waking early these few weeks, due to insomnia. Few days ago, I ran out of fruit and milk for breakfast, so I decided to cook noodle (that's the only option actually). Few minutes of preparation, cook for 3 minutes. Everything gao dim, ready to serve. It is easy to prepare actually. Ingredients are noodle, egg, spring onion, sambal, pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce, a bit curry powder. See? it's easy right?

Try and cook. It's simple. Leave me comment and tell me how it taste k?




May 21, 2007
Page Addon: smileys!
Mini Update
Let's see how's my mini smileys are working

Is it working nicely?

Yes, I think it is

somehow I think it's too small la... anyone knows how to get the same emoticons as Cbox ones?



Korean Restaurant
Can anyone teach me how to sleep? I mean, really get into sleep! Sleeping pills are not working. My body-clock is operating at GMT now (awake in midnight, awake in morning also XD). Should I kill the annoying crows outside my room? Can Feng Shui aid in sleeping ar?

Went to a Korean Restaurant at City. That Korean Restaurant havea funny name called "WAH" - We Are Here. This is the first time I had Korean style steamboat, and I can tell you that I don't really fancy it.

The QUEEN was there too, I love her so much that I terpaksa post up her picture here even though I do not look handsome. Wutodoo... love is blind.

Khai and Irene. They are siblings. Sorry friends, Irene not available anymore.

Khai wanted to order the steamboat, he keep convincing me by saying that "Woooo, this steamboat got cheese wan! Got so many things, and most importantly there's NO vegetable. That's the real deal". Siapa tau, I got cheated again.. there's kim-chii inside the soup. Yuck, I hate kim-chii. But it's okay, since got cheese melted inside.. hehe.

The steamboat is nothing so special.. looks good only (but we still finished it). The soup tastes like those normal Korean instant noodle. I also can cook what! So sap sui. Next time any one of you want to drop by my house for steamboat ka? I prepare the exact same steamboat for you! Remember to bring some instant noodle seasoning lah. I provide extra noodle.




May 20, 2007

I've been away from computer for 2 days. That pretty much explains why I did not update blog.


Approximately two weeks ago, Chuan invite me to Buddha Festival at South Bank. This is my first time attending Buddha related event since I arrive at Brisbane.

It's already a lot of people when I reach there. Mostly are Asians. Chuan and Shaz enjoyed "cuci mata" that night because in fact, it's really full of Chinese chicks. My Queen was with me, I pretty much missed that part. My eyes were "lock" to a range within her only..

There's few section showcasing the ritual event of Buddha. Part of it was the "shower Buddha" thing. I don't know the exact name of the ritual event but it was something like the reborn of Buddha, and prayers have to "purify" the Buddha and get blessing.

I don't play play one. See, I am so serious. I wish I can win a lot money from casino bah, that's why I am so serious.

This Buddha.. I don't know who He is. But I don't care la, sembahyang saja. They are all the same. As long as I kena blessed, haha! This Buddha somehow mean something, look at His hand, one point to the sky, another point to the ground. That means.... something lah. I don't know, hahaha! You look at the picture, there's a small wishing pond. We are allowed to throw a coin and have a wish..

You know what I wished for? I wished that I win a lot money from casino again, so I can buy ticket to travel. Hahaha, nolah.. actually I wish for one ridiculous request. I told Him: "I want to pray to you in real person, please show me your true form!!"

He really appeared.




May 18, 2007
Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight
Nerdy Bing take photo after gao dim assignment - without hair gel

Linkin Park new album is finally out!! The album title is "Minutes to Midnight". I have been listening to their song practically non-stop for days. Their song pull me through the hard times during my assignment period past few days, due to last minute work lah. So ngam also, their title album can apply into my situation - "Minutes to due date"

It's almost 7am now. Going to university to pass up my assignment lu.




May 15, 2007
Bribie Boat Fishing 30th April
This fishing journey wasn't too enjoyable compare to previous fishing trips. Why? We all lack of sleep - serious sleep. Why again? because we all forgotten we have a fishing trip on Sunday.. haha.

Jeremy went clubbing until 3.30am. Chris.. don't know him do what with his honey in the room until 3am. Ah Bing leh? totally forgotten about fishing trip. I remember I said that "since tomorrow is Sunday, I have excuses to stay up late. Muahahaha!! I write more future blog entries for backup first lah!"

I look at the old posts, I saw fishing trips picture.

"Hmmm, something's not right. I feel like I have something to do tomorrow. Am I missing something?"

Yes I am right, I have a fishing trip 2 hours later -________-"


I slept for an hour, then wake up shower car come beep beep buy breakfast drive 1 hour reach destination.

Biggest fish of the trip (for me), a coral fish. Not tasty at all! What a shame. Pretty much slept on the boat throughout the trip. Usually I'll cast and retrieve, but this time I put fishing rod aside and sleep. Got fish bite then only wake up.

Chris also not bad, caught a coral fish. I suspect he caught the same fish as mine.. I mean the SAME EXACT fish. We released the fish so that my son can come fishing with me in 20 years time.

Jeremy didnt catch any fish. But he hold the title of "Mr. Exotic". Not he is exotic la.. but the fish he always catch kan, weird weird one. This time even more GENG. A SEA-OTTER caught his lure.. wuahahahaha we can't believe it! His line snapped in the end, so sad la! We thought we can have sea-otter for dinner. Never taste the meat also. Probably taste like chicken, who knows.

I guess that sea-otter can go home show his friends with his new lip-pierce. Well, I guess that explains why there's not much fish around that particular day. Jibai sea otter ate all the fishes.




May 14, 2007
Lost Phone
Last Friday I lost my phone, for the second time in 2 and half years.

I had my Nokia 6230i for almost 2 years plus now, coming into 3rd year. When I lost it last Friday, I wasn't even thinking about "oh my god, I lost my phone! How am I going to survive these few days? I lost all contacts wei~ omg omg and yadda yadda yadda". I lost my phone in the taxi, but only realised it before going to bed. I have a habit sending sms to Queen before sleep.

Instead, when I woke up.. first thing in my mind was "HMMM... what phone should I buy. K810i or W880 better?". I was seriously thinking about going to buy a new phone at city on that day! Then only inform parents about my phone was lost.

Everything was in going as planned. I even told friend that I am getting a new phone today. So I inform Queen that I lost my phone, don't call me and such. MANATAU, she said "oh, I know where your phone is. I called up and a lady pickup the phone. Your phone is now at Lost and Found Department of the taxi headquarter."

............. great.

So, I skipped my evening class and head to city's information booth to locate the actual address of taxi headquarter.

I found the headquarter, but I wasn't expecting some run down place like a metal trash site. I thought it looks more like a clean yard, with proper buildings with smiling staffs. You know, like those advertisements "We're here to make your day" those kind of shits.

I tell you ar, even the entrance also hard to find. The headquarter entrance is like a secret path. It doesn't show any road signs or boards or labels or any sorts. NOTHING! Nyiamaa... waste so much time running around like sohai. (I was rushing because they closed at 5pm, and I reached that suburb in 4.40pm) What to do, run loh.. anggap training.

See the entrance? No signs! Fortunately, there are kind people to show me the way. Have to ask 2 ang mohs just to figure out where is the headquarter. Waste my time only, very dulan liao. And you know what? They even return the phone to me with battery fully charged, LAGI DULAN.

Now, haih, still using Nokia 6230i. Anyone want to sponsor me a new phone kah?

EDIT: thanks YSLo for reminding me about my phone model.. it was so obsolete that I even forgot about the model number. I wrote "6250i" instead of "6230i".. and I am pretty sure I wasn't intoxicated while I write this post. This shows how old my phone is.




May 13, 2007

This was a an old entry I found which I haven't post up yet. The noodle you see in picture is a hand made noodle, from Queen herself. Including the egg, she laid the egg herself too. The pork... needless to say also, also from Queen herself, oink oink~ hahhaha.

I have no idea what's that soup made of, the taste is not too bad, only a bit salty. Hmm, more food picture coming up. These recent weeks keep eating only.. turning in Chuan soon. Shit.




May 11, 2007

Haih. NintendoDS sudah rosak. Luckily still can claim warranty. Time pass by so slow without my NDS. Especially when I am on bus to uni everyday, 20 mins feel like 1 hour. No more laughter with my housemates every night, because we can't compete time-trial in Mario Kart anymore. Shaz was so sad cause he couldn't break my time-trial record. And I tell you, shitting at toilet never been so bored! ARRRRRRR... tahi pun tidak keluar oh. At least when play Super Mario, the shit will 'fall out' when I become tense.

Haha okay too much details.

Anyway I am off to city now, gotta ask EBgames how to claim my warranty.




May 10, 2007
Fish and Chips @ Hawken Drive

Last Saturday went to Hawken Drive to have lunch with Queen. This time we went to Australian Fish and Chips restaurant. We ordered Seafood platters for two.

Looks tasty or not? :D Too bad they don't have tartare sauce.. need to pay extra few cents to get it. So we just enjoy the fish and chips with salt + pepper.

The portion is damn huge wei... 1 cod fish, 2 prawns, 6 calamari rings and hell lots of fries. $20 dollars for 2 person. Next time I go back KK also want to open a fish and chips restaurant. You know why? because preparing the food is so easy... fry fry fry only.




May 09, 2007
Raggae band

A raggae band performing in Queenstreet Mall. Not sure what's their band name. My mind was constantly blank because I've been having sleep disorders lately. So kinda like moody moody. This band coincidentally was performing, so I might as well stop awhile and listen to their songs. Not to bad I suppose.. "try download some raggae music", who knows I'll fall in love with raggae music, right?

I was at city for what reason already ar? Forgotten.. oh ya, I went to Charlotte Tower to cari Queen! Bought her some donuts also. Now she eat donut everyday (the shop is only 6-8 steps from her tower's lobby), and her weight is chasing me from behind. I tell you, donut is addictive. Snap some photos to post on my blog next time.

Hmm, what else to write leh? Nothing to write also, just finished my research assignment. My mind kinda like floaty floaty. Don't know how to describe that. However, I want to tell you guys that I hate to do last minute work... but its already in the vein you know? Typical TTSS style mah. Won't start work until last minute. Geez.

Eh? You really read until here a? Thank you so much wooo... I crap so much you also read.. really my royal reader ah! Hahaha. This is pretty much a pointless entry, write to waste your time only >:D Okay, going to sleep now. 5.17am. Sleeping pills not required tonight. Yay.




May 08, 2007
Movie Review - The Pursuit of Happyness

This is a movie review - The Pursuit of Happyness (no, no spelling mistake)

The story is about Chris Gardner, a salesman who lost his job, a husband who lost his wife, and a father who struggled to hold custody of his son and work his ass off to pay his rent. This is based on true story. He soon became a multi-millionaire.

This movie was nominated for Oscar. Another 2 wins & 12 nominations. Plus, Will Smith is the main actor.. no more excuses not to watch this movie. Hey, this movie teach you how to become millionaire leh! Why don't watch?

I first read about Chris Gardner's featured story in Reader's Digest (Malaysia: January volume). The storyline is very touching, don't expect anything like Spiderman lah, it's totally different genre. To be honest, the movie definitely inspired me, and I wish I could be like Chris Gardner too... (be rich like him, minus the hard working part only). Hehehhe. Everyone can become a multi-millionaire if you follow Ah Bing's footsteps - stay at home watch anime. That way you won't go out spend money loh.

Well, I don't want to a spoiler and tell you the story plot. Why don't you watch this movie yourself? I am pretty much you'll be inspired too. (Unless you're a millionaire already, and accidentally stumbled upon my blog lah, maybe you get excused)

Friends in Brisbane, I have this movie. I'll be happy to share it with you :) Just contact me anytime.

I give this movie rating 9 out of 10




May 05, 2007
Charlotte Tower Elevator

Another thrilling adventure in Brisbane! I was stuck in elevator for 45 minutes, how exciting is that?!

I can show off to friends that I am stuck in a elevator for 45 minutes. Not many people experience that, unless you are a lift operator lah. The story goes like this.

Ah Bing, Ah Khai, Queen, Angmoh1 and Angmoh2 walked into the lift together. Happily press on 26th floor and 42th floor, everyone's has a tired look, but it's ok since everyone is heading home. (Here comes the exciting part - story must have good plot de mah) SUDDENLY, the lift stop elevating and I believed it stopped at 10th floor, it dropped like half floor and somehow I feel like my feet "float" few millimeters. Wohooo I love those feelings! Okay, I know it seems like inappropriate to describe these feeling in such circumstance, but it really felt キモチい (kimochii~ means very syok la) Anyway yalah, I float few millimeters and immediately hold on the handle bar based on my reflex act (didn't even realize there was handle bar in lift until I hold on to it).

Wait what? Take out camera and snap snap snap laa... my favourite activity also what. Snap until sian liao, what to do? No worries! I always bring ----- take out ---- *jeng jeng jeng jeng*.. my super Nintendo DS Lite!

Nyiameh... new elevator always die like this. This elevator is not for faint-hearted. Stay in such tall building must have guts. What if ground floor has fire and all the lifts not working? You have to walk down the stairs for 40+ floors? Luckily I stay at second floor unit. Jump down with head also cannot die.

Oh I remember another thing, angmoh1 told us that one of her friend walk down from level 44. It took her 30 minutes to reach ground floor.. yaiks.




May 03, 2007
UNI life.. haiya.
Few reasons why I'll don't blog these few days. (No topic la.. cause study study study)

  • 3 major assignments due in 9th, 14th, 17th of May. I haven't done anything.
  • 1 test at 15th of May - need to study whole textbook. Only studied 6 out of 14 chapters.
  • MUST catch up other subjects, been lacking since week 6. Now I am at Week 9.
  • Exam time table is out - perfect timing to go panic.

What have I been doing these few weeks? :(

Anyway, just to entertain you readers... please watch this video, highly recommended! I laugh until teeth almost drop off.

continue study after watch this video k? :D




May 02, 2007
Random shots at Brisbane

This is Brisbane Public Transport - newest bus in town. Brisbane Council build their own bus, no pray-pray. Currently Brisbane has approximately 11milions of these buses throughout Australia. Imagine each of those bus give me one dollar. I don't have to study anymore.

Inilah kereta dominos, they served me well.

The busiest street, Adelaide Street.

These kedai kopi are everywhere.. those guai lou only serve kopi, no teh c ping. 1 glass of kopi cost around AUD4.50. I can buy 7 glasses of Teh C Ping in Damai. That's why, I never drink kopi in Brisbane. Kopi Tenom is much better.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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