June 25, 2006
My second saman
These few nights I am having rough luck. First, I bought wrong ticket in gambling. I predict the right match, but bought the wrong figure. Resulting me in losing money instead of winning a grand one. Secondly, I had 5 random breath tests in 2 days in Brisbane, luckily I've stopped having alcoholic drinks for long... long time. Thirdly, no good night sleep. I've been driving few hours in midnight these few days, need to help friend, and I would love to give them a help any way I can (not grumbling laaa). Tonight, I kena saman, because of a very stoopid reason -___-".

I wrote a letter to Sherzali. As a matter of fact, he is the post hoc reasoning of this incident. (nono, I am not pointing the blaming arrow at him, just that.. it's because of you and this happened.. hahaha!)

"Hey bro, how are you? Doing fine there?

Erm, I am writing you this letter in regard of your car, man. Tonight, the night that I send you to airport, I kena saman again. But this is not my fault at all. Let me explain.

I send you to airport, then send fredrick to his house, then go home. Safe and sound. Nothing happened. 3am in morning, Sherman called up and ask me and Jeremy go Uni fetch him. The reason Jeremy coming with me is because Sherman need someone to drive his car home, then Jeremy follow my card home again.

Tonight, road block again. Same spot, same time, same officers. But with extra torch light shine on your road tax.

Yea, I know what you thinking, you are saying "j*sus f*cking chr**t". Bro, they say your rego has been expired. And your car is no more a registered vehicle. "This is a serious problem, mate" officer said. We were stopped there for half hour.. and I was kena saman because of that. Your brake light and spare tyre lagi.. but that is another problem la. Let me explain to you about the fines.

Firstly, AUD300 bucks for "Driving Uninsured Motor Vehicle". Officer said that because of your rego has expired, so has your third party insurance. This is one big problem, hence the heavy fine. Secondly, AUD180 for "Driving Unregistered Motor Vehicle". Well, the name explained it all.

Yea man, I know how you feel now.. very shitty ain't it? But, there's a good news also la.. Sherman told Jeremy he is going pay half of the fine. Jeremy going to "invoice" him tomorrow.

I try to help you renew the rego la... k? or you want to wait until you come back? The rego cannot straight away renew already (not confirm yet). Jeremy said the vehicle has to go thru check-up test because there's a gap between the renewal date and expiry date. The problem with the checking is... your spare tyre, your air bag, your steering, your horn. You are required to fix it up before they will approve you. The main point is.. you need to spend another amount of money again. I'll let you sort this out when you come back.

If you need any help, just tell me la k! Jeremy and me can work this out. Your atm card is in my hand ma.. hehehe. Enjoy your trip bro.

Warm regards,

There you go, understand what happened tonight la hor? I wanna take photo of the police that detain me, but my phone is low on battery -__-" See! another rough luck moment for me. Had a camera phone, but low battery. This seldom happens cause my phone is always fully charged.

Hmm, I better do something to wash away my bad luck. Gotta call my mom tomorrow.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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