June 23, 2006
Japanese wannabe
I bought a hair dye one month ago, planned to change my hair colour during holiday. Today, finally.. I dyed liao.

(bleach, shampoo, brush and pink dye)

Ouh? you noticed that pink colour dye? Yea, tomorrow I am going to make my hair pink. I choose rebel pink... possibly can go pinker than you can imagine. Why choose pink? Err, I dunno.. maybe because I never dye pink gua -__-"

My personal hair stylist today is... Fredrick. My life revolve around him lately, it is because he moved in with us for 1 month, a whole month.. for World Cup. He watch World Cup every single day. Geng ciao.

Alrightey, continue with my dye hair process.

Bleaching ur hair is easy as 1-2-3. Unpack, mix those gooey stuffs together, apply it on ur hair. Let it "set in" for about 30-45mins. Approximately like how long to bake a cake..

(Setting-in process)

I took a lot picture through out the process. I played with my hairstyles. But I am particulary in love with the picture shown above... I look like Chou Yun Fatt. a.k.a God of Gamble. He is always God of Gamble in my heart, besides Sherzali of course. I need to have Chou Yun Fatt's luck as I am gambling for World Cup. I need win enough money to buy a car and a house =D

Okay, back to hair dye process again... this is the final result of bleaching.

I will apply Rebel pink on it again tomorrow. Let's see how it turns out :)




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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