June 12, 2006
June 12 World Cup Picks
I will post my picks in my blog starting today.. until the end of World Cup! Once every 4 years ma.. play small small la. Hope can make little fortune, then I can buy a car when the World Cup ends.

Tonight 3 games: Australia vs. Japan, Czech Republic vs. USA and Italy vs. Ghana.

I will be playing with gui lao's betting system. Not asian betting style. Here's a small example.

Asian Bet: England let 1 ball to Malaysia, means that England give you 1 ball handicap. Let's say, England score 1:0, and Malaysia was given 1 ball handicap. Overall, you will get a draw match. It has 1/2 ball, 1/4 ball and 3/4 ball. But I won't go elaborate any further about those.

Guai Lou Bet: You have a lot of style of bettings. For example, you can buy England win, or draw, or lose. They have different payrates for every single bet. Let's say England pays 1.5. Mean that if you bet 1000 bucks, you get paid 1500 bucks. Where your net profit is 500. (1500-1000). You can even buy on draw, who will score the first gola, first half match will draw or not... sooooooooo many different choices of bets for you to choose from. That makes me very headache also.. cause some of the payrates are so tempting. Business students always have this in mind. "The high risk you take, the richer you get."

Tonight, basically I will bet:

Czech Republic vs. USA
Czech win USA by 1 goal (3.75)
Czech win USA by 2+ goal (3.10)
Czech 2-0 (6.5)
Czech 3-0 (13.00)
Result 3-0

Italy vs. Ghana
First half draw, second half Italy score (5.25)
Italy win (1.53)
Result 2-0

Australia vs. Japan
Australia win (2.15)
Draw (3.25)
First half Japan, second half draw (15.00)
Result 3-1

The brackets ( ) means the pay rate for every dollar. For example, you get paid AUD2.50 for every dollar you bet if the pay rate is 2.50.

The bets here are all Aussie dollars, those money were my daily expenses. I would not dare to gamble so much. Those are my daddy's hard earned money. I appreciate him for giving my money to spend. That's why I would not gamble so much. If any of you guys are playing in this World Cup, I wish you all the best. Bet within your limits! Good Luck Have Fun =)

edit: Overall games I still win.. and I earn about around 50% net profit. from total bets.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

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