April 27, 2007
Vietnamese Chinese / Anzac Day

It's been a long time since I went out to lunch with my house mate, Shaz. He stayed with me the longest during my oversea study. So, he basically is like the 'cacing in my stomach' which means means he knows everything about me. And I know most of the things about him. He recently got himself two tribal tattoos.. very nice right? Macam samseng, uhhh~ I like.. haha.

And since yesterday was Anzac Day, we have no class. Went to Vietnamese Chinese restaurant next few streets away to have our lunch. Talking about Vietnamese Chinese, why Australia have so many such restaurant like to mix together? Like ais batu campur.. can attract more customer? I have no idea. Next time I am going to open Frameritaly restaurant too. Fr - France, Ame - America, Me - Mexico, Italy - Italy.. all in one.

I ordered Crispy Chicken with rice. The look of the dish is not appealing because I forgot to take picture before eating. I was too hungry you see. It taste good, nevertheless it looks like shit. Nevermind lah, after few hours, it will turn into shit also anyway. So, what the hell. Makan saja.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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