October 09, 2006
Torch 2500kj
4 years ago, I weighted light as a feather, so fit that I could run non stop for 20mins (for my standard). Soon after I graduated, my sports life ceased. Fats started to pile up, all muscles gone. all the chicks gone too...

Worse come to worst, I am not able to find a favourite sport in Australia. Sport genes started to degerate, I feel like an old man. Body metabolism turn to nil, zilch.

Summer 2004. I subscribed to Men's Health magazine. I learnt alot of valuable info about fitness and health. Gradually, I start to take notice on my own body, and did a fitness test.. it was terrible. I can't even do 10 push up. I enjoy reading the magazine, but never really had any action towards my own fitness.

I look into the mirror... gosh... it was a cruel scene!! No wonder no chicks are looking at me! Trust me, it is not a good view. From that moment, I knew, I have to do something about it.

You don't trust me? See this

So fat kan? That picture was taken 2 years ago.

I feel so disguisting looking myself at this state. I want to change! I want to transform!

Action speak louder than words. I failed few times because of inconsistensy and my weak determination. This time, I am going to prove to all my readers, I will make it! Blog this and keep my word! (if I failed.. alot people will laugh me, very pressure o!) Anyway, this is my workout plan...

I call this plan : Torch 2500kj




Warming Up


Workout 1

Burpees (squat, push up, jump)

12 x 2



90secs - 13km/h

3mins – 8km/h

= 1 set

Workout 2

Jumping Jack (stand, bend, extend, push up, quickly bring back knee and jump)

15 x 2

Exercise Bike


Level 10, 100 rev/min. Change one level every 30 sec. from lvl10 > lvl15 > lvl0 = 1 set

Workout 3

Knee Raise (push down until floor, raise knee, push up, extend back)

15 x 1

Rowing Machine


Level 9 – 60secs

Level 6 – 60secs

= 1 set

I have started this plan for 2 weeks. Trust me... IT IS DAMN HARD!!!! I SUFFER LIKE SHIT!! >=/

These words... are printed out on a piece of paper. I stick it on my wall so that I can remind myself of my target! Must slim down this time!!!

"The daily battles I fought gave me a greater resolve, a determination, a purpose!
The principles I began practicing day in day out.

  • Organization,
  • Planning,
  • Preparation,
  • Focus
  • Commitment
  • WILL all become habitual."
Soon, I will become like this

Wish me luck. I definitely need it.

*entut, we together shed off our tummy ok? I believe you can get rid your tummy as well =)




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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