August 14, 2006
EKKA 2006

Holiday started, I went to EKKA fun fair with my girlfriend. We went on 12th August because it was our 23th monthly-versary. Yes, we celebrate every month, not including special dates like birthday, day of first kiss, first day hold hand, what time we "officially" become couple.. etc etc. But, we do remind each other every month..

Back to topic.

Well, we enjoyed every moment in EKKA. I have missed out EKKA last year due the fact that someone said "it's a fun fair that all farmers in Australia come out and show their cows". No way I am going to visit a cowshed. (I remember Wong Chee Vui told me, that bastard). This year, I was convinced by my friends to bring my girlfriend there. So I did.

There are 5 separated main venue, farms animal is only one of them (I admit this part of the funfair is the best part, I explain to you guys why later). The rest are showbag pavilion - sell goodie bags in dirt cheap price; funfair itself - roller coaster rides; food stalls - all sorts of food from different country, hotdogs and ice creams, more than 100 stalls!; exhibition - local foods, kitchen stuffs, wine tasting.

The reason I say farms animal is the best is because it's exciting to see the pork and steak we ate normally are still ALIVE. Kekekkeke. And we took alot of pictures with the foods...

Somehow, I felt like I know someone who look like this...

Amazing. That ass is much cleaner than I thought.

Bing: "Dear ah, next time we get a team of children that can form a soccer team, ok?"

Dra: *slap*


Oh, forgot to mention that there are some shows too.. mainly on horses and dogs. We saw soooo many types of dogs!! We particulary love the dogs shown above. Why - because they are so damn short! Hehehe! I wonder how the dogs scratch their back...

I met Figo at cowshed.

He was surrounded by Germany chicks.

They are my coursemate actually. From left (xxxx - Katariina - Bing) heheh I forgot her name

My next thing to appear on my "to buy list" - Cowboy hat for fishing

I took many pictures, but most of them are Dra only. I decided to put her into one picture :)




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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