July 17, 2006
Bribie Island Fishing adventure
Another fishing trip on Sunday morning. We depart as usual... 4am. Took us 1 hour drive, up North - Sunshine Coast. Whole night we only slept 2 hours.

We reach there after sunrise, I did not realise that cause I was watching anime 'Hikaru no go' throughout the journey. Found 3 fishing spots. We keep switching places due to the tidewater.

We started fishing during low tide, and I caught my first fish of the day.

Noon time, we had lunch at Domino's Pizza.

High tide is coming in the afternoon, so we decided to get short pants to fish 'further' out in the sea. Chances to get bigger fish is higher. Jeremy bought a sexy short pants.

This is only 1/3 of our journey... the rest will blog tomorrow.




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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