April 16, 2007
New blog sneak peak
Here's a sneak peak on my screen - an upcoming blog design.

Been sitting in front of computer since I wake up (again). I am redesigning my blog again. This time, I will make the design stick for at least a year. Too tired of changing template every 3 months.

Past few days, I basically spend most of my time on blog design and NDS. Had 1 meal only yesterday cause were too concentrate on learning how to use Dreamweaver to create my site. Geez, I become a 100% geek already! But good also laa.. didn't spend much money :) and polish back my html skill.

New blog design will probably come online during end of April. I want to drive more traffic to my blog! I can do it! Ushhh!!




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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