May 06, 2006
The Big Reveal
Today, my best gay buddy, Lim Boon Sean.. will be guest blogging. Don't know why he suddenly needed to "rent" an entry space at my blog. Maybe he was drunk or something when he purpose that to me. Well, guest blogging is always good. Why? because it fresh up my dull entry sometimes :) Okay, I stop my shit and shall let Boon take over!

Everyone has something they like to do when they get stuck. Like on certain bloody things they have to bloody do in order to obtain bloody 15% of their bloody course work… some people dance, some people watch tv, some people go work out... For me, I like to listen to music, play a bit of guitar, do a bit of linear algebra and solve some hardout Mechanics problem involving bending moments and shear and torsion forces…Not!!!And of course, I like to DAY DREAM. That’s how me photoshopping pictures came about. I learnt a bit of photoshopping in high school, so might as well put it to good use… Started out with my fascinations with cars, so I photoshopped me and my buddy Bing in a cool Honda S2000:

Bing wake up!!Our boot lid kena stolen!!

Then I went further, and day dreamed that Jun Bin, Catherine and I would one day appear on the big silver screen:

Hairy Potter: staring me, JunBin and Catz

Then I thought of my good old buddies from KK…I also day dreamed that they would appear with me on a huge budget movie!:

Hairy Boonter: Staring Bing, me and Wilson Tsen(now a famous rock star)

And then my imagination ran wilder!! I wanted to DRIFT! I wanted to slide sideways on a windy mountain road on my trusty AE86 delivering TOFU! I wanted Jay Chow to sing “der piao der piao der yi der piao” in the back ground… I wanted jap girls to go gaa gaa over my cool expression when I drift a perfect drift around a corner!!So I did this…

Initial B (B stands for Boon, for the intellectually challenged)

Zach always complained that I always procrastinate…well it is kind of true….so then, I did this…

And then…….and then I heard rumors….dark dirty rumors of friends in our group (here in nz)…I was not there to witness it 1st hand(I had a splitting headache from too much alcohol and had to get up for work at 8am the next day so I had to sleep.)…but rumor has it that 2 GUYS from our group had “slept together”….Yes my friends…GUYS….2 of them…”slept together”…*wink wink *cough cough*hachoo*elbow elbow… there were even pictures taken…

so I made this…

Ready for the Big Reveal?!( no pun intended…)

Ok here goes….



When u guys get married dun forget to invite me yah!! i’ll be the best man for both of u!!since u guys won’t be needing a bride’s maid anyway…

Anyway, this is NOT TRUE la... just joking one. Every women love Jason and Alex, Alex and Jason love women. They are indeed famous amongst women especially in NZ.. I do not know why. Make Boon damn dulan only... hahahah. Please guys, do not that this post seriously. It's only a joke.. Happy May's Fool!!

If you really want to read real brokeback's blog, go to Colin and Kero's Blog.

Edit from Boon: There were some bad feedback to this post. Just to clarify things, Jason and Alex are NOT was all just a joke, and they did indeed sleep on the same bed, but only becuase Alex was really cold and the bed, on which jason was taking up half the space in, was unfortunately was the only warm place he could find shelter in. So he did the only common sense thing and crawled undercover.

I myself would have done the same thing if i were not so pissed drunk that night and basically passed out on the floor. I myself would have crawled into the warm bed with blankets, for all i know, it would be me that someone else will be blogging about being gay. My point is, i did not mean any harm to Jason and Alex, i did not intend to sabotage their hopes of ever getting a girlfriend.

I was just hoping that this post would bring laughter to all my dear dear friends (YES!! that includes Alex and Jason), i did not in my wildest imagination thought that they or anyone else would takes this the hard way...Bottom line is, I am Truely truelly sorry if i have offended u guys...i really din mean accept my most sincere and deepest appologies...

Love Boon




Name: Jian Ping (健彬)
Location: Brisbane, Australia
My complete profile

About: Blog entries are mostly relevant with my university life. A guy who onces live on a tree, and went boar hunting with kampung friends.

20 years later, fly to Australia to become Crocodile Hunter.

Love: gadgets, movie reviews, game reviews, casino, fishing, poker, photography, fitness, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, anime, online gaming, guitar, cooking, foods.. and most importantly, my uni life in Brisbane.

Hope you enjoy your visit here. And enjoy reading my bullshit :D

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